Rajan Rawal
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, India
Yash Shukla
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, India
Corresponding Author: yash.shukla@cept.ac.in
Shivani S
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, India
Sakshi Nathani
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
Sachin Kumar
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
Sneha Asrani
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, India
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- Framework for developing an Embodied Energy Database.
- Using Pedigree matrix -data scoring method to reduce the uncertainties in the data.
- Integrating crowdsourcing for data collection to help the stakeholders.
- Optimizing environmental impacts and developing policy guidelines.
Optimizing operational energy in buildings can increase the significance of embodied energy and associated carbon emissions. Promoting low embodied energy materials and construction processes is crucial for achieving low-carbon development while reducing operational energy. However, accessing reliable embodied energy data for construction materials in India poses a major challenge for conducting Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to quantify the environmental impact. The proprietary nature of these datasets limits their availability in LCA studies, leading to uncertainties in building LCA results. Thus, this study aims to develop a construction material embodied energy database in India. A uniform data collection framework adapted for the building and construction sector and confidence level measurements for the embodied energy datasets will be used. This database will help reduce uncertainty in LCA studies and support informed decision-making.
Embodied Energy, Life Cycle Assessment, Crowdsourcing Database, Construction Materials
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