Bibhu Kalyan Nayak
Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, India Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Jyotirmay Mathur
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Corresponding Author:
Tarush Chandra
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Sunil Kumar Sansaniwal
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Vishal Garg
Plaksha University; Mohali, India
Rajat Gupta
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
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Nayak, B. K., Mathur, J., Chandra, T., Sansaniwal, S. K., Garg, V., Gupta, R. (2024). A Baseline Study for Residential Energy Consumption Using Socioeconomic and Physical Building Attributes: A Case of Jaipur. In Proceedings of Energise 2023- Lifestyle, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Action, pp 30–37, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
- Identification of critical parameters influencing energy consumption in Indian homes, finding the correlation of selected parameters with energy consumption and EPI
- This study provides insight into energy consumption behaviour at the end-user level.
Indian residential energy consumption increased nearly 50 times its levels in 1971. Studies have reported a wide variation between the statistically projected and actual energy consumption values in residential buildings. Access to reliable energy consumption data is limited in Indian cities. This study aims to use primary datasets to develop a baseline for residential energy consumption in India. Its first objective is to understand the prevailing practices adopted in residential energy studies. The second is to understand the contributions of socioeconomic factors to it. This research analyses 2327 primary survey samples from Jaipur. The dataset was analyzed using the multivariate statistical technique. The results highlighted the uptake in appliance ownership and its implications on energy consumption across income groups. The study has also compared the relevance of EPI (annual consumption/total area) and annual energy consumption as indicators in the building benchmarking process for Indian homes.
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