To spotlight and drive the broader narrative by shaping the future trends of energy efficiency in India, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) with support from MacArthur Foundation and American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) is organising ENERGISE 2020: Energy Innovation for a Sustainable Economy, from 11-13 February 2020, in the vibrant city of Hyderabad.
Discussions on research, emerging technologies, business models, policies, market transformation
Seek innovative and disruptive solutions to enhance energy efficiency market potential
Accelerate culture of energy efficiency in India
Innovation and incubation of new ideas, to support India’s climate change commitment


Buildings and

Urban Infrastructure
& Utilities

Energy Efficiency for
Business Competitiveness
Who Should Attend

Research & Academia


Energy Services Providers

Government Agencies

Civil Societies

Equipment Manufacturers

Technology Providers

Building Professionals


Energy Efficiency Consultants and Professionals

Finance Professionals

Why Should You Attend
Conclave enables a meaningful synergy of research, technology, policy and implementation because of the following –
- Highlighting successes to advance market momentum in India: The event will enable participants to present to a curated audience primarily India- relevant work having potential for large energy savings and resource efficiency and the synergies with similar experiences in other countries
- Expanding the envelope of energy efficiency through germination of new ideas
- Addressing critical issues and challenges of prevailing in energy efficiency domain and aligning them to achieve the sustainable development goals(SDG’s)
Who's Involved



We aim to be the leader in providing solar & energy efficiency based heating & cooling solutions and invest in continuous innovation to deliver greater value in our products & solutions to our customers.
Our vision is born out of not just the energy issues being faced by industrial and commercial establishments, but also the environmental problems faced by us due to continuous burning of fossil fuels for our energy needs.
Heating & Cooling are very energy-intensive processes and Oorja’s products either eliminate or greatly reduce the need for fossil fuel consumption for these processes in industries and commercial establishments.
We believe that it is inevitable that businesses need to adopt sustainable energy sources, but providing the businesses with economically viable solutions will accelerate this adoption. Oorja will make continuous investments in innovation to bring in cost and performance efficiencies in its products and at the same time investment in a training a network of partners that will deliver these solutions to the customers.

Our approach is driven by the belief that we are in the midst of a changing economic order as well as a sustainable energy transition. cKinetics leverages proprietary frameworks to accelerate adoption of sustainable energy- be it around renewable energy or energy efficiency. We also create innovative working models and collaborative platforms for convening industry and investors.
With offices in New Delhi, India and Palo Alto, California; the company works with clients and partners globally.

CARBSE has established a building energy performance characterization laboratory which help characterise thermo physical and optical properties of building materials and components. CARBSE has expertise in buildings and city level energy models, its calibration, thermal comfort and HVAC studies and building controls and management. CARBSE is leading US-India Centre for Building Energy Research and Development under US-India joint collaboration. It has received status of Energy Efficiency Centre by USAID ECOIII program and Centre for Excellence by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India and Centre of Excellence by Government of Gujarat. In recent past, this centre has worked with Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India, U.S. Department of Energy, National Fenestration Rating Council of USA, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, Alliance to Save Energy on Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, Gujarat Energy Development Agency, India Green Building Council, and The Energy Research Institute and Glazing Society of India. Read More Read More