Dr. Satish Kumar
President and Executive Director, AEEE
Conference Convenor
Dr. Satish Kumar serves as the President and Executive Director of the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE). Prior to AEEE, he was the Energy Efficiency Ambassador and led the Energy Management business at Schneider Electric India, a Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Chief of Party for a USAID-supported bilateral energy efficiency technical assistance program (ECO-III) project. He has a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon and a B. Arch from IIT Roorkee), was nominated for an executive leadership program at Harvard Business School and the University of North Carolina, is a member on the TEAP’s Energy Efficiency Task Force under the Montreal Protocol, is a LEED Fellow (USGBC), Certified Energy Manager and Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (Association of Energy Engineers).