Swapnil Lotake
EcoMetric Consulting, Pune, India
Corresponding Author: swapnill@ecometricconsulting.com
Himanshu Haridas
EcoMetric Consulting, Pune, India
Salil Gogte
EcoMetric Consulting, Pune, India
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- Rebate based Incentive Program will provide benefits to the end-users to incorporate energy efficiency practices.
- These programs will be beneficial to all Residential, Commercial, and Industrial end-users.
- The incentive programs will be implemented by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions, Distribution Companies, and State Designated Agencies.
- A case study has been presented that highlights the benefits of rebate-based incentive programs for Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu.
Energy efficiency penetration in the Indian market is driven by the policies and schemes implemented by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL), and various state governments. This paper aims to introduce a rebate-based incentive program for achieving energy efficiency in India. This paper also delves into the current demand-side management activities in India. The different steps involved in the evaluation of rebate-based energy efficiency programs have been presented in this paper. A case study has been provided to estimate the amount of energy savings and the avoided CO2 emissions that could be achieved by the implementation of rebate-based energy efficiency programs for the states of Maharashtra, Gujrat, and Tamil Nadu. It is estimated that the proposed energy efficiency programs could achieve 5,346 million units of electric savings and 3.8 million tons of avoided CO2 emissions across the three states.
Energy Efficiency Program, Rebate-Based Incentive, Utilities, Demand Side Management, Decarbonization
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