Prof. Arnab Jana

Prof. Arnab Jana

Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Arnab Jana is faculty at the Centre for Urban Science and Engineering, and associate faculty at the Centre for Policy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India since 2013. He works in the field of urban infrastructure policy and planning, primarily focusing on the application of ICT and analytics to address sustainability and environmental issues. He was visiting faculty at Hiroshima University, Japan, in 2016. He has a Ph.D. in Urban Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He was awarded the prestigious Monbukagakusho Scholarship by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Government of Japan. He is also an alumnus of the Asian Program of incubation of Environmental Leadership (APIEL), University of Tokyo. He has a Masters in City Planning from IIT Kharagpur and a Bachelors of Architecture from IIEST Shibpore. He has guided several doctoral and postgraduate students and has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in journals, conferences, and books. Dr. Jana is the principal investigator in several projects pertaining to urban planning and engineering, building sciences, and public health policy. The projects are primarily funded by MHRD, DST, British Academy, UNICEF, State Governments such as Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and so on. He is affiliated to several professional and academic bodies such as COA and ITPI.